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upgrade node 0.10 to 0.12.x on RHEL

由于我们没有通过EPEL存储库提供的任何更新,将RHEL 5上的节点从0.10升级到0.12.x的一种干净方法是干净的方法

You could use the n package to upgrade the node version by using these commands (from David Walsh's blog - Upgrade Node.js via NPM ) to first install the package:

sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n

which you can then upgrade the node version as follows:

Type n to prompt selection of an installed node. Use the up / down arrow to navigate, and press enter or the right arrow to select, or ^C to cancel:

sudo n

ο 0.12.0

Use or install the latest official release:

sudo n latest

Use or install the stable official release:

sudo n stable

Switch to the previous version you were using:

sudo n prev

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