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Merge C# Razor syntax with jQuery

I'm working on a project using C# razor engine and I wondering if it is possible to merge razor syntax with jQuery. Is that possible?

An approach I have done is something like this:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        @Html.Action("GoNext", "Actions", new { Id= ViewBag.Id, justifymessage = @:$("#msg").val(), Action = 3 })

Razor is server side while jQuery is client side. You can merge them... You may only write a razor code inside jQuery but razor will render it result before jQuery.

To call an action from server, use Ajax. See what you can do

   $(document).ready(function() {
      var url="@Url.Action("GoNext","Actions", new {Id= ViewBag.Id, Action = 3 })";
      url+="&justifymessage = "+$("#msg").val();
 <div id='appendable'></div>

if say, you want to redirect to that url try:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var yoururl = "@Url.Action("GoNext", "Actions", new { Id= ViewBag.Id, justifymessage = "#param#", Action = 3 })";

    location.href=yoururl.replace("#param#", $("#msg").val());

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