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matlab gui uiwait hide the new figure behind the current one

I have two figures. In figure 1 m file, I write run figure 2.m uiwait(figure1);

Then in figure 2, after some process, I write uiresume(figure1)

The thing is that after matlab run figure 2, the figure flashes and hide behind figure 1. I need to move figure 1 and then operate on figure 2 which is very inconvenient. Can anyone help me to fix this?

Use figure . Here's an example:

h1 = figure; %// create figure 1
plot(1:5, 'o');
h2 = figure; %// create figure 2
plot(ones(1,5), '*');

Now the first figure is behind the second. To bring the first figure forward (make it the current figure), use


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