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SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' on AngularJS route refresh

I am getting a

SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'
when I refresh my AngularJS route with a URL parameter on the url. This happens when in HTML5 mode and the # is removed. I have routing for this in my .htaccess file to allow me to access any URL and have it routed to index.html. The error only occurs when I have a parameter on the end, for example:

\n.state('app.test', { \n                url: "/service/:test", \n                templateUrl: '/views/service.html' \n            }) \n

Going to /service/sampleText would result in the syntax error from above.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!

I thought I'd put my solution to this issue up here, since it took me a bit of finagling to find.

I was able to move my script include line for my app.js file, which includes my routing $stateProvider, to the body tag from the head tag of my index.html file and that fixed it for me.

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