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Change input field in angularJS

I'm new to angularJS and want to rewrite an input field when the user presses a certain character. For example, if the user enters "aab", when the "b" is pressed I want to replace the entire field with just "y".

Using ng-keypress partly works, but leaves "yb" instead of just "y". The full example code is below. To test it enter "aab".

<html ng-app="testApp">
<body ng-controller="testCtrl as ctrl">

<form name="testForm">
ctrl.testValue: {{ctrl.testValue}} <br/>
ctrl.eventa: {{ctrl.eventa}} <br/>
ctrl.eventa.charCode: {{ctrl.eventa.charCode}} <br/>
ctrl.eventa.keyCode: {{ctrl.eventa.keyCode}} <br/>
ctrl.eventa.shiftKey: {{ctrl.eventa.shiftKey}} <br/>
ctrl.eventa.altKey: {{ctrl.eventa.altKey}} <br/>
ctrl.eventa.ctrlKey: {{ctrl.eventa.ctrlKey}} <br/>


<script type="text/javascript">
  angular.module('testApp', [])
    .controller('testCtrl', [function () {
      var self = this;
      self.eventa = null;
      self.testValue = "x";       // initialize the input field

      // When the user presses 'b', change the entire testValue to "y".
      self.keyPressFunc = function(eventa) {
        self.eventa = eventa;
        if (eventa.charCode == 98) {   // if 'b'
          self.testValue = "y";


How can I get angularJS to show "y" and not "yb"? Many thanks!

Use preventDefault when 'b' was pressed.

self.keyPressFunc = function(eventa) {
    self.eventa = eventa;
    if (eventa.charCode == 98) {   // if 'b'
      self.testValue = "y";

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