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Entity framework using statement with Dapper

All of my existing using statements look like the following:

using (var context = new AppContext())

Now what if I want to use Dapper to pass a sql string directly to the database rather than:


After looking at the Dapper documenation it looks like it just uses a regular connection string. I am unsure of how to adjust my using statement declaration.

I want to be able to do the following like all of the Dapper examples show:


I am really hoping dapper will help me with populating custom properties. For example I used a partial class to extend one of my entity framework properties. Currently when I use pass a sql query through linq this property does not get populated even though it is in the Select.

只需使用 Dapper 的context.Database.Connection.Query<T>() ,因为它只是DbConnection的扩展。

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