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Add XElement dynamically using loop in MVC 4?

i will like to add the Xelement in Xdocument but how can i add in dynamically using loop? I need to capture the user multiple answer and generate the Xelement dynamically. Please guide me or provide any hint. Thanks alot!

        public ActionResult SURV_Answer_Submit(List<AnswerQuestionViewModel> viewmodel, int Survey_ID, string Language)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                  var query = from r in db.SURV_Question_Ext_Model.ToList()
                        join s in db.SURV_Question_Model
                        on r.Qext_Question_ID equals
                        where  s.Question_Survey_ID == Survey_ID && r.Qext_Language == Language
                        orderby s.Question_Position ascending
                        select new { r, s };

                int i = 0;

                foreach(var item in query)

                        var answer = new SURV_Answer_Model();
                        answer.Answer_Qext_ID = item.r.Qext_Question_ID;
                        string value = item.s.Question_Type;

                        string str = item.r.Qext_Configuration;

                        XElement qconfig;
                        qconfig = XElement.Parse(str);

                        XElement ChoicesType =
                        (from node in qconfig.Elements("ChoicesType")
                         select node).SingleOrDefault();

                         XDocument doc = new XDocument
                            new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                            new XComment("Question Configuration"),
                            new XElement("AnswerData",
                             new XElement("Answer1", viewmodel[i++].Answer),                    
                            new XElement("Answer2", viewmodel[i++].Answer), 
                            new XElement("Answer3", viewmodel[i++].Answer),
                            new XElement("Answer4", viewmodel[i++].Answer),
                            How to add dynamically for new XElement Answer2,3,4 here?

                 answer.Answer_Data = doc.ToString();


                return RedirectToAction("SURV_Main_Index", "SURV_Main");


            return View(viewmodel);

Try something like this:

XDocument doc = new XDocument
                       new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                           new XComment("Question Configuration"),
                           new XElement("AnswerData", GetAnswerData(viewmodel));


public List<XElement> GetAnswerData(Object viewmodel)
        var result = new List<XElement>();

        for(int x =0 ; x < viewmodel[i].MultiAnswer.Count(); x++)
            result.Add(new XElement("Answer",viewmodel[i++].MultiAnswer[x])));
        return result;

This is the complete code

public ActionResult SURV_Answer_Submit(List<AnswerQuestionViewModel> viewmodel, int Survey_ID, string Language)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
          var query = from r in db.SURV_Question_Ext_Model.ToList()
                join s in db.SURV_Question_Model
                on r.Qext_Question_ID equals
                where  s.Question_Survey_ID == Survey_ID && r.Qext_Language == Language
                orderby s.Question_Position ascending
                select new { r, s };

        int i = 0;

        foreach(var item in query)

                var answer = new SURV_Answer_Model();
                answer.Answer_Qext_ID = item.r.Qext_Question_ID;
                string value = item.s.Question_Type;

                string str = item.r.Qext_Configuration;

                XElement qconfig;
                qconfig = XElement.Parse(str);

                XElement ChoicesType =
                (from node in qconfig.Elements("ChoicesType")
                 select node).SingleOrDefault();

                 XDocument doc = new XDocument
                    new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
                    new XComment("Question Configuration"),
                    new XElement("AnswerData", GetAnswerData(viewmodel, i));

                answer.Answer_Data = doc.ToString();


        return RedirectToAction("SURV_Main_Index", "SURV_Main");


    return View(viewmodel);

public IEnumerable<XElement> GetAnswerData(List<AnswerQuestionViewModel> viewmodel, int i)
    for(int x =0 ; x < viewmodel[i].MultiAnswer.Count(); x++)
        yield return new XElement("Answer",viewmodel[i++].MultiAnswer[x]));

A fancier version of the answer from Oscar Fonseca :

 XDocument doc = new XDocument
       new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
           new XComment("Question Configuration"),
           new XElement("AnswerData", GetAnswerData(viewmodel));

public IEnumerable<XElement> GetAnswerData(Object viewmodel)
    for(int x =0 ; x < viewmodel[i].MultiAnswer.Count(); x++)
        yield return new XElement("Answer",viewmodel[i++].MultiAnswer[x]));

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