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How can i find if an <a> has a specific class when it is in an <li>

I have the follow html:

<ul id="myList">
        <a class="myListItem li-selected">One</a>
        <a class="myListItem">Two</a>
        <a class="myListItem li-selected">Three</a>
        <a class="myListItem">Four</a>
        <a class="myListItem">Five</a>

The li-selected class is added when the respective <li> tag is getting selected. I am trying in $(document).ready() to check if any of the li's is selected (having li-selected class). As a result I am expecting a boolean to use every time the page loads to pass it in an other function as a parameter.

I am trying something like this but it doesn't return true although it should:

$(document).ready(function() {
   var hasSelectedItems = $("#myList li").find("a").hasClass("li-selected");

Expected result:

  • hasSelectedItems === true then at least one <li> is selected.
  • hasSelectedItems === false then no <li> is selected.


As it turned out there was nothing wrong with the way I was trying to check if the li-selected class existed but with the when I was trying to do it. I misplaced the var hasSelectedItems = $("#myList li").find("a").hasClass("li-selected"); part and tried to find a class that hadn't been added yet. So I moved that part of the code to run when the elements are rerendered after the addition of the li-selected class and it works.

Please use the following jquery code to find a tag:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var lis = $("#myList li a.li-selected").length;
    if(lis > 0)
     //code here

您可以找到选择了类 li 的锚元素的长度:

var lis = $("#myList li a.li-selected").length > 0 ;

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