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Excel INDEX MATCH when one of multiple criteria is within a range of numbers

To identify duplicates in a large list of personal records, I'm replacing all names with a CONCATENATE of Name and Date of Birth (DOB). Here is the sheet I'm referencing (DOBs!):

DOBs! -----------------------------------------
C               D           E       F       G       I            K
Name            Years       Start   End     # Yrs   DOB          NewNameDOB
Sally Adams     2014-2014   2014    2014    1       1968-1204    Sally Adams1968-1204
John Agnew      2014-2014   2014    2014    1       1979-0419    John Agnew1979-0419  
Bob Anderson    2013-2014   2013    2014    2       1965-0402    Bob Anderson1965-0402  
Antonio Andrews 2014-2014   2014    2014    1       1955-0716    Antonio Andrews1955-0716  
Julie Assan     2012-2014   2012    2014    3       1978-0805    Julie Assan1978-0805  

On the main sheet (Employees!), each person has a row of data for each active year. Work 14 years, you have 14 lines of data to track.

Employees! -----------------------------------------
C       D               **E**                       F       G   H   I   J...
Year    Name            NewNameDOB                  Dept
2013    Julie Assan     Julie Assan1978-0805        East
1998    Mike Rogers     Duplicate in Same Year      Main
1999    Mike Rogers     Duplicate in Same Year      Main
2000    Mike Rogers     Mike Rogers1969-0510        Main
2001    Mike Rogers     Mike Rogers1969-0510        Main

As mentioned, I need to separate duplicate names from 10395 records (like Mike Rogers and Mike Rogers). Employees! column E will now identify the employees as Julie Assan1978-0805 and Julie Assan1980-0131 (for example).

Today we take my first step, using the years they worked in order to solve 99% of the duplicates. After this, only a few duplicate names will be left who worked at the same time as each other, which I'll have to handle manually.

If the Employees! sheet has a 2013 record for "Julie Assan," then the first step is to check DOBs to find any Julie Assans who worked in 2013. My new column E in Employees! will take the current 2013 record of Julie Assan, and find any matches in DOB! where C (name) matches Julie Assan, E <= 2013, and F >= 2013. Usually, there will be only one match, and it will tell me that is Julie Assan1978-0805. Sometimes, there will be two Mike Rogers who worked during the same year, and it should tell me "Duplicate in Same Year".

On the Employees! sheet column E , I've started with this...
=index(DOBs!$k$2:$k$10395,match($d3&$c3,DOBs!$c$2:$c$10395& ??? ,0)

Not sure where to go with this formula, whether that means adding "IFs" or something different.

edited to explain in great depth

=IF(COUNTIFS(DOBs!C$2:C$10395,Employees!D2,DOBs!E$2:E$10395,"<="&Employees!C2,DOBs!F$2:F$10395,">="&Employees!C2)>1,"Duplicate in Same Year",INDEX(DOBs!K$2:K$10395,MATCH(TRUE,IF(DOBs!C$2:C$10395=Employees!D2,IF(DOBs!E$2:E$10395<=Employees!C2,IF(DOBs!F$2:F$10395>=Employees!C2,TRUE))),0)))

Enter as an array formula by confirming with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, then autofill down. It first checks for duplicates using COUNTIFS, and returns "Duplicate in same year" if it is. If there are not duplicates, it uses INDEX/MATCH to find the NewNameDOB.

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