Say I have this data.frame The columns are mutually exclusive. I need to generate the output I've tried to to it with data.table fifelse but it ...
Say I have this data.frame The columns are mutually exclusive. I need to generate the output I've tried to to it with data.table fifelse but it ...
How can I set a variable using set_facts to True or False based on whether the register.stdout_lines contains a specific string. Ansible version - 2. ...
I have a dataset like the following one: please just to the special alphabet case, as long as possible. What I would like to do is to create a code ...
I have the following data table (DT) in R. I want to filter the rows for the range from "st_wk" and "end_wk" from the "attrib_wk" column by "Year" and ...
I'm trying to create a multi rule custom formula for conditional formatting purposes in Google Sheets. Here is what I want to achieve - If Deal Size ...
In the following shiny app I would like to have the second tab inside the box if user selection is sh, So I was expecting the conditionalPanel command ...
I have a dataframe as below: Team Name Position FieldPosition A John Striker F ...
I want to compare the current row value vs the previous 10 rows and check if they are in 80% - 120% of current row. Now I have the count of the result ...
my dataframe looks like the bottom and i want to create a new column called "remove" that would be true/false based on the following conditions. i on ...
I'm currently trying to change the data the picker will display based on the value in the series text field. I'm not getting the picker to show up, I' ...
I have a fetch() request returning a Response object that is either a zip file (blob) or a JSON if there was an error with the request. The code I hav ...
I'm trying to reduce the number of binary variables I need in a Big-M reformulation from a linear number to a logarithmic one. I have the following eq ...
I need help with coding a binary column indicating that one measurement is above a threshold and found in a one-year interval of a second measurement. ...
I am fairly new to Python and have tried a few different things but I keep getting small syntax errors or just nothing being printed back. I have a E ...
I am trying to change the background color for any number in column A that is meeting these conditions, but nothing is triggering. ...
while(1) { // other stuff // there's no code in the loop after the below statement: count>=10? break : continue; // error } Why does ...
This is my dataframe and this is a cumulative sum by month what I need more is to ignore the increment if it is more than 3 or less than 0, some ...
I have a sample dataframe: My use case has 15 columns What I would like to do is using case when and loop, to add new columns that correspond to e ...
Sample Data: Column A Column B Column C Bill 1 2022-09-01 John 0 ...
I've table contain around 100k unique value with a date and I've another table contain 8M record for the whole year what I need is to count each value ...