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No pop-up message on android device when sending notification with pusbots

I am trying to add push notifications with pushbots on my android app. Everything works, message is received, sound alert, but no message window/popup. I am a bit new to this and stuck (pushbots support is not being very responsive or explicit) so please help.

This is last part from logcat when receiving message:

D/ActivityThread﹕ SVC-Destroying service: com.pushbots.push.GCMIntentService@4220ca30
D/ActivityThread﹕ SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@4212e1f8
D/dalvikvm﹕ threadid=16: exiting
D/dalvikvm﹕ threadid=16: bye!

When you receive the push notification, it is up to you to build the notification you'll present to the user.


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