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Converting String into Date from HTML Form

i collect date formats like this :


<select id="DOBDay" name = "DOBDay" class="pure-input-1-4">
<option>Date Of Birth Day</option>
<option value="01">01</option>


<select id="DOBMonth" name = "DOBMonth" class="pure-input-1-4">
<option>Date Of Birth Month</option>
<option value="06">06</option>


<select id="DOBYear" name = "DOBYear" class="pure-input-1-4">
<option>Date Of Birth Year</option>
<option value="2000">2000</option>

After the form has been posted ,it gets collects like this :

$DOBDay = $_POST['DOBDay'];
$DOBMonth = $_POST['DOBMonth'];
$DOBYear = $_POST['DOBYear'];

How do i get this into a dateformat to be stored into a MySQL date feild. I have searched the web and cannot find this example anywhere for assistance.

Try this :

$DOBDay = '21';
$DOBMonth = '09';
$DOBYear = '1986';  
$full_date = $DOBYear.'-'.$DOBDay.'-'.$DOBMonth;
echo $full_date;`

A lot of possibilities.. mktime for example.

// if you need a timestamp
$timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$DOBMonth, $DOBDay, $DOBYear);

// or datetime
$datetime = date("Y-m-d", $timestamp);

mysql use yyyy-mm-dd format. so you should store the value in something like :

$DOBDay = '21';
$DOBMonth = '09';
$DOBYear = '1986';  
$date = $DOBYear.'-'.$DOBMonth.'-'.$DOBDay;
echo $date;
$date= $_POST['DOBDay']."/". $_POST['DOBMonth']."/".$_POST['DOBYear'];

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