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Converting multi-line script output to dictionary using regex

I got the following script output:

[g4u2680c]: searching for domains
host =   g4u2680c.houston.example.com
         ipaddr = []
         VLAN   = [352]
         Gateway= []
         Subnet = []
         Subnet = []
         Cluster= [g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]

host =   g4u2680c.houston.example.com
         ipaddr = []
         VLAN   = [352]
         Gateway= []
         Subnet = []
         Subnet = []
         Cluster= [g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]

* script completed Mon Jun 15 06:13:14 UTC 2015 **
* sleeping 30 to avoid DOS on dns via a loop **

I need to extract the 2 host list into a dictionary, with out the brackets.

Here is my code:

#!/bin/env python

import re

[g4u2680c]: searching for domains
host =   g4u2680c.houston.example.com
         ipaddr = []
         VLAN   = [352]
         Gateway= []
         Subnet = []
         Subnet = []
         Cluster= [g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]

host =   g4u2680c.houston.example.com
         ipaddr = []
         VLAN   = [352]
         Gateway= []
         Subnet = []
         Subnet = []
         Cluster= [g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]

* script completed Mon Jun 15 06:13:14 UTC 2015 **
* sleeping 30 to avoid DOS on dns via a loop **

seq = re.compile(r"host.+?\n\n",re.DOTALL)


matches = re.findall(r'\w.+=.+', a[0])

matches = [m.split('=', 1) for m in matches]

matches = [ [m[0].strip().lower(), m[1].strip().lower()] for m in matches]

#should have function with regular expression to remove bracket here

d = dict(matches)

print d

What I got so far for the first host:

{'subnet': '[]', 'vlan': '[352]', 'ipaddr': '[]', 'cluster': '[g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]', 'host': 'g4u2680c.houston.example.com', 'gateway': '[]'}

I need help to find the regex to remove the bracket as the value in the dictionary contain data with and without bracket.

Or if there is a better and simpler way to transform the original script output into dictionary.

You can simply use re.findall and dict :

>>> dict([(i,j.strip('[]')) for i,j in re.findall(r'(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)',text)])
{'Subnet': '', 'VLAN': '352', 'ipaddr': '', 'Cluster': 'g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c', 'host': 'g4u2680c.houston.example.com', 'Gateway': ''}

And about the brackets you can remove them by str.strip method.

You can use: (\\w+)\\s*=\\s*\\[?([^\\n\\]]+)\\]?


import re
p = re.compile(ur'(\w+)\s*=\s*\[?([^\n\]]+)\]?', re.MULTILINE)
test_str = u"host =   g4u2680c.houston.example.com\n         ipaddr = []\n         VLAN   = [352]\n         Gateway= []\n         Subnet = []\n         Subnet = []\n         Cluster= [g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]\n\nhost =   g4u2680c.houston.example.com\n         ipaddr = []\n         VLAN   = [352]\n         Gateway= []\n         Subnet = []\n         Subnet = []\n         Cluster= [g4u2679c g4u2680c g9u1484c g9u1485c]\n"

re.findall(p, test_str)


matches = [m.replace('[','').replace(']','').split('=', 1) for m in matches]

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