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Function with variable parameters as parameter to function C++

I am trying to create measuring class with one function that take function to be measured as parameter. Its called ChronoTimer.h content is:

#include <chrono>

template<typename TimeT = std::chrono::milliseconds, class ClockT = 

class ChronoTimer {
    template<typename F, typename ...Args>

    static typename TimeT::rep duration(F func, Args&&... args)
        auto start = ClockT::now();
        return  std::chrono::duration_cast<TimeT>(ClockT::now() - start);

Then I have "someClass" where is a function i want measure, and a function where I want to measure the function

#include "ChronoTimer.h"
long int someClass::measuredF( long end ) {
    long int cnt = 0;
    for ( long int i = 0; i < end; ++i ) {
        cnt = cnt + i;
    return cnt;

void someClass::someFunction() {
    long int end = 10;
    auto duration = ChronoTimer<>::duration(someClass::*measuredF, end).count();

There is an error and i dont have enough understing/knowledge in C++ to get it working. Appreciate any help, thanks

You should pass a callable object, &someClass::measuredF is not callable, its requires a someClass object.

You may do:

void someClass::someFunction() {
    long int end = 10;
    auto duration = ChronoTimer<>::duration([this](long int end) { this->measuredF(end); }, end).count();

or capture all:

void someClass::someFunction() {
    long int end = 10;
    auto duration = ChronoTimer<>::duration([=]() { this->measuredF(end); }).count();

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