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Translation label for Choice field are not working in Sonata Admin Datagrid filter

I'm using Sonata Admin Bundle with Sonata User Bundle in my Symfony 2.7 application. I have a Property Admin page. Here is its configuration in my services.yml:

// ...
    class: MyBundle\Admin\PropertyAdmin
        - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: Property, label: Properties }
        - ~
        - MyBundle\Entity\Property
        - 'MyBundle:PropertyAdmin'

I added two custom action buttons in the property admin list. I had to add two translation strings action_rooms and action_stations for those two buttons in app/Resource/SonataAdminBundle/translations/SonataAdminBundle.en.xliff which I copied from vendor/sonata-project/admin-bundle/Sonata/AdminBundle/Resources/translations/SonataAdminBundle.en.xliff . They are working fine.

The problem is that translation for label_type_yes and label_type_no in the datagrid filter is not working although they are defined in SonataAdminBundle.en.xliff . Here is the screen shot of the property list.


I created app/Resources/translations/MyBundle.en.xliff with the content of SonataAdminBundle.en.xliff and I added setTranslationDomain in services.yml for mybundle.admin.property , but no success.

        - [setTranslationDomain, ['MyBundle']]

They are not also working in the user list /admin/sonata/user/user/list that is generated by Sonata User Bundle. I notice that it was not working before I created app/Resource/SonataAdminBundle/translations/SonataAdminBundle.en.xliff .


I have the translator enabled in config.yml and parameters.yml.

// config.yml
    translator:      { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] }

// parameters.yml
    // ..
    locale: en

I solved this by adding /app/Resources/translations/messages.en.xliff with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
    <file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="file.ext">
            <trans-unit id="filter.label_enabled">
            <trans-unit id="label_type_yes">
            <trans-unit id="label_type_no">

It seems overriding app/Resource/SonataAdminBundle/translations/SonataAdminBundle.en.xliff unlike what is said in the symfony documentation .

First of all check what profiler says, in 2.7 you have ability to check missing translations. Just check what translation is missing and put it into app/Resources/translations/MyBundle.en.xliff

似乎这是最新Sonata中的错误,因为label_type_yes / label_type_no使用“邮件”域而不是SonataAdminBundle / SonataCoreBundle。

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