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Sonata Admin - how to add Translation to one field and getID of the object?

My code:

public function create($object): void
    /** @var CarsEvent $object */
    $carsEvent = $object;
    $em          = $this->getEntityManager($carsEvent );

    $carsEvent->addTranslation(new CarsEventTranslation());


This creates a new car object and save it into my database, and that works fine, however in this part of the code I'm calling and translation function which needs to add a translation for the NAME field into my translation table for the german language

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function addTranslation(Translation $translation)


    $this->translations[] = $translation;

    return $this;

This also works but I cannot get the objectId, so my translation table in the database is not connected with the id of object that I created, I have a function


but always return NULL

My question is how to get the object id so I can store that value in my database too?


 * {@inheritdoc}
public function addTranslation(Translation $translation)


    $this->translations[] = $translation;

    return $this;

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