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disable submit button in mvc after server side model validation passes

I have client side validations of java script and model state validations in controller, related to file attachment. I want to disable my save (submit) button once it clicked. I have checked all solution given at stack overflow links related to this.

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".submitBtn").click(function () {


public actionresult Save(LatestUpdatemaster objUpdate,HttppostedFileBase filename){
    string strResult="";
    strResult = Utility.UploadUpdateDocument(filename,foldername);
    if(strResult != "1"){
        //Save code...

Also tried this,

$('#form').one('submit',function(){ $(this).find('input[type="submit"]).attr('onclick','his.style.opacity="0.6";retu‌​rn false;');

Code Creating Button

<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Save" name="Save" id="Save" />

Client Side - View

    if($'#Updatename').text().trim() == ''){

If I do it client side then values won't submit to controller. Also I want server side model validation completed and then make it disable for not submitting form twice. Please guide.

You can simply do this

$(document).ready(function () {
     $(".submitBtn").click(function () {

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