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How to organize junit test suites using Allure

So far, beside Junit and Jenkins, I used log4j to textual reporting results of test cases but now I want to use Allure, for generating clearer and more transparent reports from my selenium tests. I'm using maven project where single test case is a java class, and consists of steps which every of them is also a java class. it looks like this:

public class FirstTestCase() {
    new Step1(driver).run();
    new Step2(driver).run();
    new Step3(driver).run();

public class SecondTestCase() {
    … second test case steps ...

In every step - „run” - contains selenium code.

Individual test cases are grouped into larger sets. For example:

public class SetOfTests {}

Finally, I have one major class (which is called “TestRunner”) in which the respective sets are activated. It looks like this:

public class TestRunner {
    public void main() {
        Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(

So, class hierarchy in my project looks like:

TestRunner |-
    SetOfTests |-
        FirstTestCase |-
                        |- Step 1
                        |- Step 2
                        |- ....
        SecondTestCase |-
                        |- Step 1
                        |-Step 2
                        |- ....

Now, my question is: How will be best approach to add Allure annotations (like a @Stories,@Features, @Steps... ) that after the Jenkins “build”, when report will be generated, result will be presented in form as a hierarchy above

Note that, jenkins is configured, works and also generates a report but not in such a form as I want.

Just I need to know in simple way in which test and which step the error occurred

If you look at Allure XSD file you will see that currently (1.4.x series) we support the following structure:


So test suite can contain a set of test cases (nested test cases are not supported) and each test case can contain a hierarchy of steps with unlimited depth. I would implement a custom JUnit adapter for your case - this is as simple as creating one Java class like the following which implements JUnit RunListener interface.

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