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C++11 move semantics and rvalue reference

Consider the following code:

class StringTokenizer 
    char m_delimiter;
    std::istringstream m_string;

    explicit StringTokenizer(const std::string& str, char delimiter)
    : m_string(str)
    , m_delimiter(delimiter)

    template <class Container>
    operator Container ()
        Container container;
        for (std::string token; std::getline(m_string, token, m_delimiter); )
            container.insert(container.end(), token);
        return container;

This is the usage:

vector<string> tmp = StringTokenizer("123 456", ' '); //Please note the implicit conversion

When debugging the following happens (Using VS2013):

At the return statement of conversion operator

  1. new vector constructed from container by moving
  2. container gets destructed

After function return:

  1. tmp is constructed by copy constructor

My question is why isn't tmp constructed by move constructor ?

As I understand things function return type is rvalue and should be moved.

VS2013 doesn't automatically generate the move constructor/assignment. This is solved in later versions.


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