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Unsatisfied dependencies for type ZZZZ with qualifiers @Default

I am have beans as given below.

public class CustomerService implements UserHandlingService {

    private DefaultEmailService mailService;

    public CustomerService(DefaultEmailService mailService) {       
        this.mailService = mailService;

public class DefaultEmailService implements EmailService {

    public DefaultEmailService() {  

I get error like

Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type DefaultEmailService with qualifiers @Default
  at injection point [BackedAnnotatedParameter] Parameter 1 of [BackedAnnotatedConstructor] @Inject public com.project.service.CustomerService(DefaultEmailService)
  at com.project.service.CustomerService.<init>(CustomerService.java:0)

Am I doing any thing wrong.

The problem is the @Singleton annotation, that is from javax.ejb and not javax.inject . Using the ejb one and defining the interface your bean is registered on CDI context as the interface, not implementation, change your code:

public CustomerService(EmailService mailService) {
    this.mailService = (DefaultEmailService) mailService;

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