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Need to to control JQuery Ui slider as a seekbar for HTML5 video

I am trying to control html5 video for seekbar. I am using Jquery Ui slider. I am using a play button to start this video. But dont understand how to update seekbar with video time?

My code : HTML :

<video class="vdo" width="700" id="videoShow" style="margin-bottom: 4px;" ng-src="videos/test.mp4" >
<div id="master" style="width:700;height:8px;"></div>
<span id="changeTOpause"  class="glyphicon glyphicon-play" aria-hidden="true" onclick="playVideo()"></span>


function playVideo()
        range: "max",
        min: 0,
        max: parseInt(video.duration, 10),
        value: 0,
        slide: function (event, ui) {
            video.currentTime = ui.value;

Got a solution which works for me :

function playVideo()

        canplaythrough: function() {
            var video = this;
                range: "max",
                min: 0,
                max: parseInt(video.duration, 10),
                value: 0,
                slide: function (event, ui) {
                    video.currentTime = ui.value;
        timeupdate: function() {
            $('#master').slider('value', this.currentTime)

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