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gulp-uglify minifying script that it is not supposed to

When I run gulp scripts , both all.js and all.min.js end up minified. Anybody know why this happens?

gulp.task("scripts", function() {

    var concatted = gulp.src(['js/first.js', 'js/second.js'])

    // output concatenated scripts to js/all.js

    // minify concatenated scripts and output to js/all.min.js


The problem is here

// output concatenated scripts to js/all.js

You aren't returning the modified stream into concatted .

You could change this to

// output concatenated scripts to js/all.js
concatted = concatted.pipe(gulp.dest('js'));

but this also works as expected

gulp.task("scripts", function() {
    return gulp.src(['js/first.js', 'js/second.js'])

What's happening is that you're concatenating the two scripts

var concatted = gulp.src(['js/first.js', 'js/second.js'])
                    // Both scripts are now in 'all.js'

Before minifying them


One possible solution could be:


Hope it helps.

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