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Uncaught Syntax error: unexpected token ( even though function is valid

I am trying to make a web application. I have a task controller in a separate .js file which I include in the main .html file:

  <script src = "tasks-controller.js"></script>

and the file tasks-controller.js:

tasksController = function() {
    var taskPage;
    var initialized = false;

        init: function(page) {
                 .... some manipulation with jQuery...    
                initialized = true;             
} ();

Back in my main .html file I call tasks controller right after body closing element:


When I test the file, in Google chrome tools, I get Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ( on line 8 of tasks-controller.js which is this line:

init: function(page)

along with another error that 'tasksController' is not defined when I call it above. Any suggestions to what I am doing wrong? Thanks!

The ready method is where the error is. You missed the ) of ready .

See the highlighted code and comments in the code below.

$(document).ready(function() {
}); // The ) you've missed
// ^^^

Other problem in your code is the return statement. If you put the object to the next line of return it will always return undefined . Automatic semicolon insertion will cause the code to put semicolon after return .

So, it'll be like return; .

Use following code:

tasksController = function() {
    var taskPage;
    var initialized = false;

    return {
        init: function(page) {
            if (!initialized) {
                ....some manipulation with jQuery...
                initialized = true;

Due to implicit semicolons, your code equals this:

    init: function(page) {
             .... some manipulation with jQuery...    
            initialized = true;             

The return is returning nothing, and so the {} makes a new block. Now you can see why you have a syntax error.

Just change the first line to return { (no newline) and you should be good.

See Strangest language feature .

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