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Convert MYSQL query into Laravel 5 query

Okay so i have got my project working however a lot of my database are kind of raw queries and i want to do it in the laravel 5 way.

So far I have managed to do some simple ones in laravel 5 easily however I am struggling to replicate this query in laravel:

$ave=DB::select("SELECT `question`.`questionID`,
COUNT(`reviewmeta`.`id`) as count,  `reviewmeta`.`answer` 
FROM `question` 
JOIN `reviewmeta` 
ON (`question`.`questionID` = `reviewmeta`.`questionID`) 
WHERE `question`.`watchID`='".$hwid."' 
AND  `question`.`type`='FFT' 
GROUP BY `reviewmeta`.`answer` "); 

For an example this is how I converted one of my raw queries:

Laravel 5 way

public static function getWatchListInfo($serviceIDS){
    $services = DB::table('services')
                ->select('services.id','services.name','services.review_count_approved','reviews.escalate','services.average_rating','service_categories.name as catName')
    return $services;

You just need to add ->count() like this :


->select(['reviewmeta.answer', DB::raw('COUNT(reviewmeta.id) as count')])
->leftJoin('reviewmeta', 'question.questionID', '=' ,'eviewmeta.questionID')
->where('question.watchID', $hwid)
->where('question.type', 'FFT')

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, it's been some time since I've done laravel related queries.

Almost the same with @Andrew's answer, just you can use select function like this.

->select('question.questionID', DB::raw('COUNT(reviewmeta.id) as count'),'reviewmeta.answer')
->join('reviewmeta', 'question.questionID', '=' ,'reviewmeta.questionID')
->where('question.watchID', $hwid)
->where('question.type', 'FFT')

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