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How can I use Ant & InnoSetup to place a directory at installation for JavaFX

I am working on bundling an application as an EXE using INNO SETUP. I have it working, except for one thing.

My project structure looks like this:

    ->java classes
  ->properties file

The properties file (from external vendor), needs to be placed in a specific location - and I am not sure how to generate this with ANT and INNO.

The resulting file structure needs to look like this

app folder

I am not really sure how to accomplish this.


I think using the [Files] section with Source and DestDir might work out here.

There are two (or even more) ways to do this:

You may prepare the directory structure beforehand with ant . That means you create the folder structure present after installation utilizing ant on your machine and tell Innosetup to include all files and folders and just extract them.

Source: "x:\app folder\*"; DestDir: "{app}";

Or you work with your project folder structure and tell Innosetup to include your files from their specific locations in the project and copy them to specific destination directories.

Source: "x:\project\properties\properties.xml"; DestDir: "{app}\app\properties\"; 

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