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Installing PHP INTL in mac not getting it right

I have installed php56-intl using Homebrew like so: brew install php56-intl and when I do php -m | grep intl php -m | grep intl it gives me intl

But when I check in my phpinfo() file, doesn't show up intl .

Not sure what am I missing.


All I want to install intl in my computer so that I could run my zend application. But whatever I do I don't get it done.

An error occurred An error occurred during execution; please try again later.

Additional information:

Zend\\I18n\\Exception\\ExtensionNotLoadedException File: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/skeleton/vendor/zendframework/zend-i18n/src/Filter/AbstractLocale.php:24


Zend\\I18n\\Filter component requires the intl PHP extension

The problem was, intl was installed in my mac but not in XAMPP.

Alright, after long hassle here how I succeeded:

Go to your terminal and

cd /Applications/XAMPP/bin

Then php -m | grep intl php -m | grep intl , if it returns you intl then it is installed. If not installed then should return empty .

Now, sudo ./pecl install intl

Will ask specify where ICU libraries and headers can be found , simply hit enter,

And this will install intl, also will return this message You should add "extension=intl.so" to php.ini .

So simply add this to your php.ini file and restart your apache: sudo apachectl restart or hard restart from XAMPP itself.

Hope this helps someone else.

I encountered similar issue with OsX default php and not having the intl extension. This is what solved my issue:

  1. brew install php56 (make sure you have hombebrew installed)
  2. in your httpd.conf Find line LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so, comment it
  3. Add below that line : LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php53/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so, for your case just change the php53 to php54.

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