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mySQL how to limit query returning all results containing a substring

lets consider an example. I want to search car and i'm getting all the results right.

But the problem is i also get all the results which contains car as a substring eg my result also return cartoon, care and every word that contains car as a substring in my database.

What i want is to apply a filter/condition so that it won't return words like cartoon and care, rather it should only return words like car and cars.

How can i achieve that? I have tried below solutions and i know what the problem is but i cannot understand how to solve it

            tbl_data.ad_title like "%'.$_REQUEST['searchtt'].'%"  
             or tbl_categories.cat_title like "%'.$_REQUEST['searchtt'].'%"           
          ) and ';

$gtdata = mysql_query(

"SELECT tbl_data.id, tbl_data.main_cat, tbl_data.sub_cat, 
        tbl_data.makevalue, tbl_data.ad_title, tbl_data.additional,
        tbl_data.city_name, tbl_data.city_area, 
        tbl_data.make_stoplight_active, tbl_data.make_urgent_active 
        FROM tbl_data 
        LEFT JOIN tbl_categories
        ON tbl_data.main_cat=tbl_categories.id 
        WHERE ".$string." tbl_data.status='1' and tbl_data.del=0
        and tbl_data.exp=0 and tbl_data.sold=0 and tbl_data.userblock='0'
       limit ".$limit_start.",".$limit_end."");
//all results are stored in this variable

It sounds like you want to search for nouns in the singular and plural, for example "car" and "cars", "apple" and "apples". Is that correct?

If so, use a more specific where clause rather than like that just looks for singular and plural forms:

$singular = $_REQUEST['searchtt'];
$plural   = $singular.'s';

$gtdata = mysql_query(
WHERE tbl_data.ad_title IN ('".$singular."', '".$plural."')
OR tbl_categories.cat_title IN ('".$singular."', '".$plural."')

This is a naive implementation that might work for you. Most plurals are easy - just add an 's' - but nouns ending in a vowel require 'es' , for example potato/potatoes, and there are lots of irregular forms, such as foot/feet and child/children. For details see How to search singular/plurals in php mysql

Another thing you need to know is whether the query ( searchtt ) is always singular. For example, do people always search for "car" rather than "cars"?

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