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importing swift framework into a objective-c project

I am importing swift framework into objective-c project like this:

@import MyFramework;

The problem is that only some of the classes are recognized by the class i am importing the framework.

The class which is recognized:

public class RecognizedClass:UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandle 
 { ... } 

The class which is not:

public class VeediUtils
{ ... } 

They are both public so why the first is recognized in the workspace and the other not?

Also i see in the header file MyFramework-Swift.h that a class

@interface RecognizedClass : UIViewController <WKNavigationDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandler>

Appear while the other dont

Why is that?

Also to point that this same procedure work when i am importing swift framework to swift project

If you previously configured Project for integrating with Swift and want to use Swift Dynamic Framework, you have to import it like this way (replace {value} with appropriate names depending on your Project):

#import <{MyFramework}/{MyFrameworkMainClass}-Swift.h>  
#import "{YourProjectTargetName}-Swift.h"


If your framework has Defines Module set to true , then you can import it like this:

@import MyFramework;

To access a swift class in objc, that is not inherited from NSObject you need to:

@objc public class VeediUtils

A Swift class or protocol must be marked with the @objc attribute to be accessible and usable in Objective-C. This attribute tells the compiler that this piece of Swift code can be accessed from Objective-C. If your Swift class is a descendant of an Objective-C class, the compiler automatically adds the @objc attribute for you.


You have to add @objc to the declaration of the VeediUtils class, or make it inherit from NSObject . Otherwise it won't be visible to Objective-C.

In your case, RecognizedClass is recognized because it is a subclass of UIViewController , which is a subclass of NSObject .

Using Swift Classes in Objective-C

If you are going to import code within an App Target (Mixing Objective-C and Swift in one project) you should use the next import line #import "<#YourProjectName#>-Swift.h" to expose Swift code to Objective-C code [Mixing Swift and Objective-C code in a project]

In this post I will describe how to import Swift framework to Objective-C code

Objective-C consumer -> Swift dynamic framework

Xcode version 10.2.1

Create a Swift framework

Follow Create Swift framework

Expose Swift API. To use Swift's functions from Objective-C [About]

Objective-C consumer

Follow Using Swift framework

Import module to the Objective-C client code [module_name]

@import module_name;

[More examples here]

Using Swift Classes in Objective-C

If you are going to import code within an App Target (Mixing Objective-C and Swift in one project) you should use the next import line #import "<#YourProjectName#>-Swift.h" to expose Swift code to Objective-C code [Mixing Swift and Objective-C code in a project]

In this post I will describe how to import Swift framework to Objective-C code

Objective-C consumer -> Swift dynamic framework

Xcode version 10.2.1

Create a Swift framework

Create a framework project or create a framework target

File -> New -> Project... -> Cocoa Touch Framework
Project editor -> Add a Target -> Cocoa Touch Framework

Two files will be generated:

  1. Info.plist - Build Settings -> Info.plist File
  2. <product_name>.h - Build Phases -> Headers . It is umbrella header file [About]

Add files .swift

Select `.swift` file -> Select File Inspectors Tab -> Target Membership -> Select the target
Project editor -> select a target -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources -> add files

Expose Swift API. To use Swift's functions from Objective-C [About]

Build library - ⌘ Command + B or Product -> Build

Note: Be sure that you build the framework for the same process architecture as the client code.

Find generated output [Build location]

Products group -> <product_name>.framework -> Show in Finder

The framework includes

  • Info.plist
  • Modules folder with:
    • module.modulemap [About] [Custom modulemap] This file was autogenerated because Build Settings -> Defines Module -> YES
    • <product_name>.swiftmodule folder with
      • .swiftdoc - docs
      • .swiftmodule - public interface/definitions
  • Headers folder with:
    • files from Headers section. There are public interfaces/definitions
    • <product_name>-Swift.h - Xcode-generated header file [About]

Using Swift framework

Drag and drop the binary into the Xcode project [About]

Embed binaries [Library not loaded] [Link vs Embed]

Project editor -> select a target -> General -> Embedded Binaries -> path to `<product_name>.framework` file

I will automatically add the framework to:

  1. Project editor -> select a target -> General -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries
  2. Project editor -> select a target -> Build Phases -> Embed Frameworks
  3. Project editor -> select a target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries

Add Framework Search paths [Module not found] [Recursive path]

Project editor -> select a target -> Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Framework Search paths -> add path to the parent of `<product_name>.framework` file

Import module to the Objective-C client code [module_name]

@import module_name;

More examples here

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