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Download web content and load on Android webview at runtime

I want to load a local web content on a webview. I'm downloading a zip file, unzipping it and saving the files (main.html and resource files - css, js, fonts, pngs, etc) on internal storage ( /data/data/<app>/files/ ).

All files are in the same directory:

|- main.html
|- file.js
|- ...

So, the html file points resource files as follows:
<script type="text/javascript" src="file.js"></script>

I though this would work

String path = context.getFilesDir() + File.separator + "main.html";
webview.loadUrl("file://" + path)

but the webview shows file not found error in pre lollipop devices, and in lollipop devices shows:

"The webpage at file:///data/data/<app>/files/main.html could not be loaded because: net::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED"

If I load the html as a string by running

String file = htmlFile.fileToString();
webview.loadDataWithBaseURL("", file, "text/html", "utf-8", "");

it works, but I have to resolve the dependencies by providing the full path of all resource files. There must be a better way to deal with this.

Does anyone know how to load a local file on a webview that was stored at runtime in Android?


I forgot the config methods of the webview.


This was the problem. By turning to true the webview is able to load local files.

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