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Unable to Start Program: The system cannot find the file specified. (C++ BTW)

Sorry for the copious amounts of comments in the code. Those are either reminders, notes or failed additions that I want to keep on hand in case I end up using them.

I have been struggling with this issue since the beginning, and nothing I can do, nor anything I find online has worked. My code build's fine, with a 100% success, but every time I debug / run my code (This is visual studio 2015 btw) I get this message:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Unable to start program 'C:\\Users\\moodyg\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\floatingballtry2\\Debug\\floatingballtry2.exe'.

The system cannot find the file specified.

The file is indeed in that location. I have gone in and checked numerous times, and there is a debug exe file for the code in that exact location.

Thanks to any and all!


#include <iostream>
//#include SerialClass.h
#include 'stdafx.h'
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
//#include "SerialClass.h"  // Library described above
#include <string>

//#include "LpmsSensorManagerI.h"
//include "LpmsSensorI.h"

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

//LpmsSensorManagerI* manager = SensorManagerFactory();

//LpmsSensorI* lpms = manager->addSensor(DEVICE_LPMS_B,'00:11:22:33:44:55');

 void main() {

     //Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3");    // adjust as needed

     //a = arduino('com4', 'UNO');

    bool isspinning = true;

    int moz = 4;

    int moth = 0 ;

    int moph = 0;

    //set water release time

    while (isspinning == true) {

        //pitch = lpms->GET_PITCH();

        //yaw = lpms->GET_YAW();

        //moth += yaw;
        //moph += pitch;

        if (moth > (2 * M_PI)) {

            moth = 0;


        if (moph > (2 * M_PI)) {

            moph = 0;


        cout << "Radius: " + moz << endl;
        cout << "Theta: " + moth << endl;
        cout << "Phi: " + moph << endl;

        if (moth >= (M_PI / 2) - (M_PI / 8) && moth <= (M_PI / 2) + (M_PI/                                                                             

        if (moph >= (M_PI / 2) - (M_PI / 8) && moph <= (M_PI / 2) + (M_PI /         

                //release water

                isspinning = false;



        else {

            isspinning = false;



    cout << "Radius: " + moz << endl;
    cout << "Theta: " + moth << endl;
    cout << "Phi: " + moph << endl;


You're very likely missing a DLL. Try running the generated .exe file straight from windows console, as it often reports which DLL is missing. Come back with the error you're getting.

I haven't used VS2005, but maybe you're missing the VC++2005 Redistributable (available here ).

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