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Installing gstreamer 1.0 on windows for python 2.7.

I've been trying to install gstreamer 1.0 on windows to use as a python 2.7 module. I installed the sdk from here http://docs.gstreamer.com/display/GstSDK/Installing+on+Windows which allows me to import pygst , but it only allows me to use gstreamer 0.1 (If I try pygst.require('1.0') I get a pygst.RequiredVersionError only version '0.10' is available).

I looked all over for a gstreamer 1.0 version of the sdk with no luck, so I'm hoping I can maybe alter the 0.1 sdk for my needs.

I've downloaded gstreamer 1.0 from here http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/pkg/windows/1.5.2/ but I'm not actually sure what to do with it after I fix the RequiredVersionError/obtain the proper sdk. Any help is appreciated.

With Python 3.4.3 works.

  1. Download from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pygobjectwin32/files/?source=navbar

  2. Install in Windows pygi-aio-3.14.0_rev22-setup.exe

  3. In the program .py:

     import gi gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0') from gi.repository import Gst pipeline = Gst.Pipeline.new("player") src = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiotestsrc", "src") sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("autoaudiosink", "output") pipeline.add(src) pipeline.add(sink) src.link(sink) pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) 

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