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How to draw rectangular profiles using x and y coordinate array?

To handle collision prevention, for example, I set the program to issue a warning when near to obstacles. The x and y coordinates of obstacles are put into array.

Now I would like to draw a smooth profile that is like blocks of rectangles. However, I get slanted lines whenever there is change in y-coordinate.

A small part of the code I used are as followed, assuming the coordinates of x and y arrays should give rectangular shaped profile with rises and falls as x changes, maybe like building a castle with some variation in height y.

for (int i = 0; i < Copy_length; i++)

        chart1.Series["Series1"].Color = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Olive);

        chart1.Series["Series1"].Points.DataBindXY(X, Y1, Y2);

Other suggestions for handling of collision prevention are welcome too.

You could add some data points to create the steps you seem to want:


void makeSteps(Series S)
    List<DataPoint> points = S.Points.ToList();
    for(int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
        S.Points.AddXY(points[i + 1].XValue, points[i].YValues[0]);


This should answer what the title asks. No idea how that relates to or could help with collision detection..

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