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grunt-contrib-concat: specify last file to be concatenated?

I'm using grunt-contrib-concat to concatenate all my custom JS files together, and wrap them with an IIFE. I'm running into some load order issues ( namely, my init file is executing before some modules, causing undefined errors ). I want to specify init.js should be LAST in the concat order, but I don't want to specify the order for all the other JS files as well, just that this specific one goes last.

Here is the current config of my concat:

 * Set project info
project: {
  src: 'src',
  app: 'app',
  assets: '<%= project.app %>/assets',
  css: [
    '<%= project.src %>/scss/style.scss'
  js: [
    '<%= project.src %>/js/*.js'

concat: {
  dev: {
    files: {
      '<%= project.assets %>/js/scripts.min.js': '<%= project.js %>'
  options: {
    stripBanners: true,
    nonull: true,
    banner: ';(function($, window, document, undefined){ \n "use strict";',
    footer: '}(jQuery, window, document));'

How do I specify a last file to be concatenated without adding an extra grunt module to my project ?

You can do it by concatenating all files but init.js , and then concatenating the result with init.js , using the array syntax that maintains order:

concat: {
    dev1: {
        dest: '<tmp>/concat1.js',
        src: ['<all your js>', '!init.js']
    devFinal: {
        options: {
            stripBanners: true,
            nonull: true,
            banner: ';(function($, window, document, undefined){ \n "use strict";',
            footer: '}(jQuery, window, document));'
        files: {
            dest: 'scripts.min.js',
            src: ['<tmp>/concat1.js', 'init.js']

And then call both targets in succession:

grunt.registerTask('myConcat', ['concat:dev1', 'concat:devFinal']);

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