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Change text of QLineEdit from another class

I have 2 classes : MainWindow() and ModelSelection().

I would like to access a QLineEdit which is declared in MainWindow() from ModelSelection() in order to change the text of the QLineEdit thanks to the method setText() .


from modelSelection import ModelSelection

def __init__(self, workingDir, filename, mode, tabAnalysis, parent=None):
    self.fileLine = QLineEdit()


import mainWindow    

def openModelDialog(self):
    self.filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File",filePath,"(*.txt)")

    if self.filename:
    return self.filename

It returns : AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'fileLine'

You are confusing class and module.
The module mainWindow.py contain a class MainWindow . The attribute fileLine belongs to the class, not the module.

Anyway, you shouldn't have to import mainWindow in modelSelection.py .
You're already importing modelSection in mainWindow.py , so my guess is that mainWindow is the parent of modelSelection .
In this case, you can check this question: Getting container/parent object from within python

I presume the rest of your code is working and you have only provided minimal information. Add a 'self' in this line.


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