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How can I receive link from Drawable?

I have a function like this:

 fromColorResAndUrl(@ColorRes int colorRes, String imageUrl)

Now I call it in this way:


You can see it use an external image link.

I want use local image link. so I save 'wallpaper.jpg' in res/drawable .

Now I want to know how can put that in the function?

I try file:///android_asset/drawable/wallpaper.jpg but no success!

Use R.drawable.wallpaper , as seen on Drawable Resources on Android Developers

Also, if you import drawables, it is recommended to have them scaled for each phone size. I recommend using android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin , it is really fast and easy to use.

file:///android_asset/... URL只能在assets文件夹中找到资源,因此,如果您使用file:///android_asset/drawable/wallpaper.jpg则必须将wallpaper.jpg放在assets/drawable/文件夹,这不是可绘制对象的默认位置。

Strip out the URL string so you only have the name of the file without the extension

String fileName = "wallpaper"

Then get the int resource value:

int imgR = getResources().getIdentifier(fileName, "drawable", getPackageName());

then get your image with: getResources().getDrawable(imgR) . As an example for an ImageView:

try {

    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        int defaultR = getResources().getIdentifier(yourfallbackimg, "drawable", getPackageName())

Use a try catch just in case you don't have filename being returned, this way you'll have a default image instead of a crash.


check http://pastebin.com/yN3zUciN

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