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Any way (or shortcut) to auto import the classes in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, while coding in Java and press Ctrl + Shift + O auto import all the Classes automatically.
In NetBeans, this is done with Ctrl + Shift + I .

Is any way to do this in IntelliJ IDEA?

I searched an equivalent shortcut in google, StackOverflow, IntelliJ IDEA configuration and in the official IntelliJ website Keyboard Shortcuts You Cannot Miss

IntelliJ IDEA does not have an action to add imports. Rather it has the ability to do such as you type. If you enable the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" in Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import , IntelliJ IDEA will add them as you type without the need for any shortcuts. You can also add classes and packages to exclude from auto importing to make a class you use heavily, that clashes with other classes of the same name, unambiguous.

For classes that are ambiguous (or is you prefer to have the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" option turned off), just type the name of the class (just the name is OK, no need to fully qualify). Use code completion and select the particular class you want:


Notice the fully qualified names to the right. When I select the one I want and hit enter, IDEA will automatically add the import statement. This works the same if I was typing the name of a constructor. For static methods, you can even just keep typing the method you want. In the following screenshot, no "StringUtils" class is imported yet.


Alternatively, type the class name and then hit Alt + Enter or + Enter to "Show intention actions and quick-fixes" and then select the import option.

Although I've never used it, I think the Eclipse Code Formatter third party plug-in will do what you want. It lists "emulates Eclipse's imports optimizing" as a feature. See its instructions for more information. But in the end, I suspect you'll find the built in IDEA features work fine once you get use to their paradigm. In general, IDEA uses a "develop by intentions" concept. So rather than interrupting my development work to add an import statement, I just type the class I want (my intention) and IDEA automatically adds the import statement for the class for me.

Not all at once. But you can press

Alt + Enter

People assume it only works when you are at the particular item. But it actually works for "next missing type". So if you keep pressing Alt + Enter , IDEA fixes one after another until all are fixed.

I think the best solution, though not exactly the same as Eclipse/Netbeans, is to change the 'Optimize Imports' settings.

Under Preferences > Editor > General > Auto Import

Set Add unambiguous imports on the fly

Edit: Using this method, when there are ambiguous imports, IntelliJ will let you know, and you can then use Alt + Enter method outlined in the answer by Wuaner

I find that, almost always, the most appropriate Import is at the top of the list.

似乎 IntelliJ IDEA 会自动导入丢失的类,您可以通过按 Alt + Enter手动导入它们。

Can't import all at once but can use following combination:

ALT + Enter --> Show intention actions and quick-fixes.

F2 --> Next highlighted error.

Another option is to ask IDEA to behave like eclipse with eclipse shortcut keys. You can use all eclipse shortcuts by enabling this.

Here are the steps:

1- With IDEA open, press Control + ` . Following options will be popped up.


2- Select Keymap. You will see another pop-up. Select Eclipse there.

If you don't see "Keymap" in the options, install "Eclipse Keymap" plugin


3- Now press Ctrl + Shift + O . You are done!

在 Mac 上使用control + option + L自动导入包并自动删除未使用的包

在 MacOS 上使用control + option + O自动导入包或自动删除未使用的包

使用Alt + Enter导入单个包或使用Alt + Shift + Enter自动导入当前文件中所有明确的包。

Hover on top of the code which needs a class then press

alt + shift + Enter

This will auto import the needed class.


@ntg has given a very smart solution for converting import.* to individual imports in existing files (it is not completely automatic, but still quite low-effort)

  • Go to any import.* statement and press Alt Enter ( return on Mac)
    • a popup will appear to replace the * import with individual imports
  • then just hit Enter again


Original answer

Not sure if this is universal but I've found that after enabling both the following settings (as told in earlier answers), my IntelliJ is able to smartly convert package.* imports into individual imports (in existing files) just by deleting the import com.company.package.* line

  • Add unambiguous imports on the fly
  • Optimize imports on the fly


Essentially it will be able to add all 'unambiguous' imports for us, the rest will have to be resolved manually

I'm using

  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2022.1 (Build #IU-222.3739.54)
  • MacOS Monterey 12.5.1

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