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Apache Mahout- exception with file.csv

I'm new in Apache Mahout. I want to classify a .csv file The columns of this file are id,AAAA,.....TTTT,species and values of each record are ebolavirus1,123,434,34,34,322,1,1,333,4,555,zaire. I want to classify species(ex zaire,sudan,tai forest ebolavirus.

When I try to run my code, it gives me the following exception :

Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong numLabels: 0. Must be > 0!

I follow these steps :

./mahout seqdirectory --input input/labelOutput.csv --output target/out

./mahout seq2sparse --input target/out --output target/vectors

./mahout trainnb -i target/vectors/tfidf-vectors -o target/final --li target/labelIndex

Can you help me?


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