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Saving a multidimensional array into a mysql database

I am working on a online time tracking web page. But i am stuck at the part on transferring the data into the database.

 <?php /* This loop will iterate through all days. */ foreach($_POST["startTime"] as $day=>$startTimes){ /* This loop will give start & end times for a particular day, ie $day */ foreach($startTimes as $timeIndex=>$startTime){ $endTime = $_POST["endTime"][$day][$timeIndex]; if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO timetableschedule (name, day, startTime, endTime) ". "VALUES ('$name', '$day', '$startTime', '![enter image description here][1]$endTime')"; if (!mysqli_query($con, $sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } echo "1 record added"; mysqli_close($con); } } } ?> 

The form looks like this,


 <table id="dataTable" class="form-control"> <label for="Monday">Monday</label> <input type="button" value="Add Schedule" onClick="addRow('dataTable')" /> <tbody> <tr> <p> <td> <label>Start Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="startTime[1][]"> </td> <td> <label>End Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="endTime[1][]"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-7"> <table id="dataTable1" class="form-control"> <label for="Monday">Tuesday</label> <input type="button" value="Add Schedule" onClick="addRow('dataTable1')" /> <tbody> <tr> <p> <td> <label>Start Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="startTime[2][]"> </td> <td> <label>End Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="endTime[2][]"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-7"> <table id="dataTable2" class="form-control"> <label for="Monday">Wednesday</label> <input type="button" value="Add Schedule" onClick="addRow('dataTable2')" /> <tbody> <tr> <p> <td> <label>Start Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="startTime[3][]"> </td> <td> <label>End Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="endTime[3][]"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-7"> <table id="dataTable3" class="form-control"> <label for="Monday">Thursday</label> <input type="button" value="Add Schedule" onClick="addRow('dataTable3')" /> <tbody> <tr> <p> <td> <label>Start Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="startTime[4][]"> </td> <td> <label>End Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="endTime[4][]"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-7"> <table id="dataTable4" class="form-control"> <label for="Monday">Friday</label> <input type="button" value="Add Schedule" onClick="addRow('dataTable4')" /> <tbody> <tr> <p> <td> <label>Start Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="startTime[5][]"> </td> <td> <label>End Time</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="endTime[5][]"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 

The database should look like this,


But the only the first row of data managed to enter the database. I am not sure where when wrong with my php codes.

Change your html to this

                          <label>Start Time</label>
                          <input type="text" class="form-control" name="time[0]['start']">
                          <label>End Time</label>
                          <input type="text" class="form-control" name="time[0]['end']">

Rest indices will be


and so on

Then your php code will be easier to read

foreach($_POST['time'] as $day => $time) {
      $sql = "INSERT INTO timetableschedule (name, day, startTime, endTime) ". 
                       "VALUES ('$name', '$day', '" . $time['start'] . "', '" . $time['end'] . "')";

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