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C++ Access private member from a derived class to another derived class (both have the same base class)

So I have a base class with two derived classes (deriv1 and deriv2). On the deriv2 class I need to access a private member from deriv1... How can I do this?

Sample code:

    class base

        base() {};
        ~base() {};

    class deriv1 : public base
        int m_member1;
        deriv1() {};

        ~deriv1() {};

    class deriv2 : public base
        int m_member2;
        deriv2() {};

        ~deriv2() {};
    int sum_members_because_yes(void)
        return (deriv1::m_member1 + m_member2); // <---- :((

How can I access a private member from another derived class? I was trying to avoid using friend functions, or changing the private member to public... What do you advice?

Thank you! :)

You cannot access deriv1 private data members from deriv2 .
You have two options to overcome that :

Do a getter to access your m_member1 in your deriv1 class.

class deriv1 : public base
    int m_member1;
    int get_member1() const { return m_member1; }

Use protected on m_member1 and make your deriv2 also derived from deriv1 .

 class deriv1 : public base
   int m_member1;

class deriv2 : public base, public deriv1

Use the option which seem to be coherent with your context.

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