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How to generate multiple response.write:s with json in node.js/express?

Having some trouble with generating multiple response.write:s from an api call in node.js. Here is the code.

 // get the articles
app.get('/api/articles', function(req, res) {

res.writeHead(200, {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
// use mongoose to get all feeds in the database
Feed.find(function(err, feeds) {
    // if there is an error retrieving, send the error. nothing after     res.send(err) will execute
    if (err)

    feeds.forEach(function(feedModel) {
        //for each feed in db get articles via feed-read module
        feed(feedModel.url, function(err, articles) {
            articles.forEach(function(articleModel) {
                res.write(JSON.stringify(articleModel));//doesnt produce output.
}); //end find function
}); //end api call

您需要在回调no末尾处的end end()


After some tinkering I got it to work by removing the res.writeHead and res.end lines. Apparently I will trigger two writeHead with the previous code and by removing the lines node or express will "automagically" fix the headers. /Stefan

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