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Populating a 2 dimensional Range in excel using sum ifs function in VBA

Data in a sheet with profit which is based on the store and location. Looking to have a matrix with location in one column and stores in a row. For each location and store it would return one value which is the sum of the profit for all stores (there maybe multiple stores in a particular location) in that location.

This would be the excel function:


Try something like,

with sheets("Sheet1")
    with .range("B5:Z99")
        .formula = "=SUMIFS(Sheet2!$C$2:$C$6, Sheet2!$A$2:$A$6, Sheet1!$A5, Sheet2!$B$2:$B$6, Sheet1!B$4)"
        .value = .value
    end with 
end with

Essentially, write the formula into the block of cells then revert the formulas' results to their values.

EDIT for dynamic last row:

dim lr as long
lr = Sheets("Sheet2").cells(rows.count, 3).end(xlup).row

Then the formula assignment would be:

.formula = "=SUMIFS(Sheet2!$C$2:$C$" & lr & ", Sheet2!$A$2:$A$" & lr & ", Sheet1!$A5, Sheet2!$B$2:$B$" & lr & ", Sheet1!B$4)"

EDIT: Named Ranges:

If you move to a formula utilizing named ranges to define the extents of the data being examined, use the same MATCH formula to define the limits of different columns.

Example: In the above SUMIFS, you could use named ranges for Sheet2's columns A, B and C. Let's call the named ranges ws2colA, ws2colB and ws2colC . We know that we are summing columns C so use the row of the last number in column C to define the ranges for each of the columns.

ws2colA - Applies to:
=Sheet2!$A$2:INDEX(Sheet2!$A:$A, MATCH(1e99, Sheet2!$C:$C))

ws2colB - Applies to:
=Sheet2!$B$2:INDEX(Sheet2!$B:$B, MATCH(1e99, Sheet2!$C:$C))

ws2colC - Applies to:
=Sheet2!$C$2:INDEX(Sheet2!$C:$C, MATCH(1e99, Sheet2!$C:$C))

The formula assignment becomes:

.formula = "=SUMIFS(ws2colC, ws2colA, Sheet1!$A5, ws2colB, Sheet1!B$4)"

Using the same formula to define the extents of each named range column will prevent mismatched range references in the SUMIFS.

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