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Creating file on filesystem with java.io.File

I'm trying to create an empty .properties file on my filesystem using java.io.File.

My code is:

File newFile = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath() + "folder\\" + newFileName.getText() + ".properties");

if (newFile.createNewFile()){
    //do sth...

It says that it's impossible to find the specified path. Printing the Files's constructor's argument it shows correctly the absolute path.

What's wrong?

I think the "." operator might be causing the error not sure what you are trying to do there, may have misunderstood your intentions but try this instead:

File newFile = new File(new File("folder\\").getAbsolutePath() + ".properties"); 
  1. You can use new File("folder", newFileName.getText() + ".properties") which will create a file reference to the specified file in the folder directory relative to the current working directory
  2. You should make sure that the directory exists before calling createNewFile , as it won't do this for you

For example...

File newFile = new File("folder", newFileName.getText() + ".properties");
File parentFile = newFile.getParentFile();
if (parentFile.exists() || parentFile.mkdirs()) {
    if (!newFile.exists()) {
        if (newFile.createNewFile()){
            //do sth...
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Could not create " + newFile + ", you may not have write permissions or the file is opened by another process");
} else {
    throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + parentFile + ", you may not have write permissions");

Trivially I missed that new File(".").getAbsolutePath() returns the project's absolute path with the . at the end so my folder whould be called as .folder . Next time I'll check twice.

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