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Data is not fetched from MySQL database

I am trying to fetch data from my data base, but it's not giving me any output. It's only displaying "All Charges". My code is below:

        include 'preCode.php';
        include 'header.php';

        echo '<body><div class="standardLayout">';
        include 'systemMenu.php';
        echo '<h4>All Charges</h4>';

          $user = unserialize($_SESSION['user']);
          echo $query = "SELECT * FROM billingItems WHERE userID=' " . $user-> userID .  " ' ORDER BY deliveryTimestamp DESC"; 
          $result = mysqli_query($db, $query);
         while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

        echo  $row['type'] . '<br>' . 
                'Cost: $' . $row['amount'] . '<br>' . 
                ' Finalized: ' . $row['deliveryTimestamp']  ;

        echo '</div></body></html>';

        $_SESSION['user'] = serialize($user);
        include 'footer.html';

Here is the output from echo $query; :

All Charges object(user)#2 (11) { ["orders"]=> NULL ["fName"]=> string(6) "kimmie" ["lName"]=> string(4) "kaur" ["address"]=> string(10) "6768bbnmmn" ["phone"]=> string(11) "66767798898" ["email"]=> string(6) "kimmie" ["userID"]=> string(3) "108" ["password"]=> string(4) "kaur" ["passwordX"]=> NULL ["amountOwed"]=> string(1) "0" ["zip"]=> string(6) "768798" } SELECT * FROM billingItems WHERE userID=' 108 ' ORDER BY deliveryTimestamp DESC

Seems to me that your query building is a problem, because this

$query = "SELECT * FROM billingItems WHERE userID=' " . $user-> userID .  " ' ORDER BY deliveryTimestamp DESC";

will give you this if the ID is "bob".

SELECT * FROM billingItems WHERE userID=' bob ' ORDER BY deliveryTimestamp DESC

You are embedding spaces around the ID, which doesn't match the contents of the column.

The safer way to do this is to use prepared statements and bind parameters so that you don't run into these kinds of bugs. It will also keep you safe from SQL injection. See this question for details: How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?

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