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Codeigniter : Fatal error: Call to a member function num_rows() on a non-object

I have problem in link of my script by Codeigniter. I have this URL :-

localhost/index.php/admin/orders/ Its get me all order of product, But when i add any character in the end of link like this :

localhost/index.php/admin/orders/ggg The user see some error message.

Fatal error: Call to a member function num_rows() on a non-object in 

How can save my link, And hidden this message.

My Controller :-

function orders()
    $data['orders'] = $this->admin_model->getOrderList();
    $data['total']  = $this->admin_model->getOrderCount();

My Model:-

 function getOrderList()
    $page = $this->uri->segment(3);

    $start = ($page-1)*RECORDS_PER_PAGE;
    $end = RECORDS_PER_PAGE;


    $result = $this->db->get('wg_orders');
    return $result->result();
    return 'empty';

You can use count() function as well.

In Controller

    function orders()
        $data['orders'] = $this->admin_model->getOrderList();
        $data['total']  = $this->admin_model->getOrderCount();

In Model

    function getOrderList()
        $page = $this->uri->segment(3);

        $start = ($page-1)*RECORDS_PER_PAGE;
        $end = RECORDS_PER_PAGE;

        $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE (your_argument) LIMIT $end, $start ORDER BY order_id DESC ");
        $result = $query->result_array();
        $count = count($result);

            return $result;
            return 'empty';

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