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Javascript if statement doesn't work as expected

I'm trying to create a small survey with a score. I want to make it so once user reaches score "4", it alerts some message. I wrote if statment for it, but for some reason it never alerts. But if I manually change score variable to 4, everything works as expected.

Where am I going wrong?

Here's the code:


var score = 0;

function checkQuestionOne (){

    var jautViens = document.getElementById('jaut1Pirm');
    var jautDivi = document.getElementById('Jaut1Otra');
    var jautTris = document.getElementById('Jaut1Tres');
    var jautCetri = document.getElementById('Jaut1Cetu');

    if(jautViens.checked) {
    }else if(jautDivi.checked || jautTris.checked || jautCetri.checked) {
        alert("Izvēlies opciju!")

if (score == 4){



You need to check the condition if the function

 var score = 0; function checkQuestionOne() { var jautViens = document.getElementById('jaut1Pirm'); var jautDivi = document.getElementById('Jaut1Otra'); var jautTris = document.getElementById('Jaut1Tres'); var jautCetri = document.getElementById('Jaut1Cetu'); if (jautViens.checked) { ++score; //since value of score is changed only in this block you can place the if block here if (score == 4) { alert('score is 4'); } } else if (jautDivi.checked || jautTris.checked || jautCetri.checked) { alert("Nepareizi") } else { alert("Izvēlies opciju!") } //keep the if block here, if there are multiple blocks in which the value of score is changed } 
 <h1>Pirmais jautājums (1. pareizā)</h1> <input type="radio" name="jaut1" id="jaut1Pirm" value="pirma" />Šī ir pirmā atbilde <br/> <input type="radio" name="jaut1" id="Jaut1Otra" value="otra" />Šī ir otrā atbilde <br/> <input type="radio" name="jaut1" id="Jaut1Tres" value="tresa" />Šī ir trešā atbilde <br/> <input type="radio" name="jaut1" id="Jaut1Cetu" value="ceturta" />Šī ir ceturtā atbilde <br/> <br/> <button type="submit" onclick="checkQuestionOne();">Spied</button> 

When you keep it outside of the function, the if condition is evaluated only once, but you need to check it everytime the value of score is changed.

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