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Venn Diagram for genome region in R

You know sometimes we need to compare the overlap or shared regions for two bed files, sure we can do it step by step. Anybody can share a R code to do Venn Diagram for two bed files?

The following code can do such things, however, in some server, tiff file cannot be created and opened. you can use this code in your own laptop.

if(!require(VennDiagram)){source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"); biocLite("VennDiagram")}
venn.plot <- venn.diagram(list(A = 1:150, B = 121:170),col=c("blue","red"),fill=c(1:3),lwd=2, filename="Venn_2set_simple.tiff");
venn.plot <- venn.diagram(list(A = 1:150, B = 121:170, C = 101:200), col=c(1:3),fill=c(1:3),lwd=2, filename="Venn_3set_simple.tiff");


最终,Python通过以下链接为床文件的维恩图提供了一个软件包: http : //pythonhosted.org/pybedtools/index.html

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