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Verify all rows of Dataframe1 are present in Dataframe2


dataframe1 has following rows and columns.

| Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4 | Column5 |
| A       | B       | C       | D       | E       |
| P       | Q       | R       | S       | T       |
| J       | K       | L       | M       | N       |

dataframe2 has following rows and columns.

| Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4 | Column5 |
| B       | D       | E       | M       | N       |
| Q       | S       | T       | R       | A       |
| M       | Q       | R       | A       | T       |
| A       | B       | C       | D       | E       |

What I want to do is first iterate through dataframe1 and check if the first row of dataframe1 is present in dataframe2 . Here in this example, first row of dataframe1 is present in forth row of dataframe2 . In the same way I want to check if all the rows of dataframe1 are present in dataframe2 . I could achieve this with multiple for loops. But, I would like to do it in a simpler and faster way.

We could paste the rows in each dataset ( do.call(paste,...) ) and compare them using %in%. The output will be a logical vector. If %in%. The output will be a logical vector. If %in%. The output will be a logical vector. If all the values from the paste` output in 'df1' are present in 'df2', it will give 'TRUE' or else 'FALSE

 all(do.call(paste, df1) %in% do.call(paste, df2))

Another option is using anti_join from `dplyr'. If all the rows in 'df1' are found in 'df2', the output will be '0' row.

nrow(anti_join(df1, df2))==0

Base package. TRUE in case all are present, FALSE otherwise:

nrow(unique(merge(df1, df2))) == nrow(unique(df1))

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