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Transforming dataframe1 to dataframe2 where the values of a column become new columns

I am working with dataframes in R and I would like to change the format of table 1 (image1), to the table 2 (image2).

I know that i have 50 'City' possible values, from 1 to 50. What i want is that those values of 'City' become different columns, so below each of these values the number of 'House' is shown. Finally i would have only one row for every Country, and 52 columns. ('Number','Country',1,2,3...,50). (This is a simplify version, the main one has much more values of 'Number', so i am looking for a solution that works 'fast', that does not take long for running)



If df is your dataframe and columns are lowercase the following dplyr::pivot_wider will help you.

df %>% 

To give you this output.

# A tibble: 3 × 7
  number country `21`  `23`  `24`  `22`  `25` 
   <int>   <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1   6205       2 2     a     5     NA    NA   
2   6205       3 NA    5     5     1     5    
3   6205       4 4     2     7     3     2    

Its advisable to not use numeric dataframe column names, hence ideal to re-look at your naming conventions.

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