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Vpython in Wing IDE

I am using Wing IDE and I have installed VIDLE with Vpython. VIDLE works fine, but if I want to use it on Wing IDE, somehow it can't import the visual module. It always gives an error "No module named visual". How can I import the visual module into the IDE?

I thought maybe the problem lies in the version of the Vpython or the Python itself. The installed Vpython is for Python 2.7 (I've tried another one for 3.4, but the VIDLE wouldn't work with it). Both Python 2.7 and 3.4 are installed on the PC, but I don't even know which one is taken as default on the IDE. So if this really has something to do with the version, how can I change the Python path on Wing IDE?

Sorry, I am quite new in Python and I've looked everywhere but didn't come to any helpful answer. Thank you in advance.

Instead of

import visual


import vpython

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