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Linux: Append Word Count to Each Line of a File

Quite new to Linux at the moment,

I've seen some straightforward answers for appending a constant/non-changing word/component to the end of a file eg shell script add suffix each line

However, I'd like to know how to append the word count for each line of a .csv file to the end of each line, so that:

word1, word2, word3
foo1, foo2
bar1, bar2, bar3, bar4


word1, word2, word3, 3
foo1, foo2, 2
bar1, bar2, bar3, bar4, 4

I am working with comma separated values, so if there is a quicker/simpler way to do it by making use of the commas rather than the items, then that would work as well.


Simple awk solution:

awk -F ',' '{print $0", "NF}' file.csv
  • -F argument can be used to specify the field separator, , in your case.
  • $0 will contain the entire line
  • NF is the variable that contains the number of fields in the line

you can use this:

while read line; do

N=`echo $line | wc -w`;
echo $line", "$N;

done < inputfile.txt

a simple (yet most likely slow) bash script could do the trick:



cat $1 | while read l ; do

  echo -n $l \ >> $newfile
  echo $l | wc -w  >> $newfile


then move files according to your liking (be save by using tempfile ...) for file:

one, two,
one, two, three,

I get:

one,  1
one, two,  2
one, two, three,  3

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